Home » 2015 » March » 14 » "Ya Gotta Have Faith!"
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"Ya Gotta Have Faith!"

Most people don't talk about this aspect
of starting your own business...

It takes faith.

You heard me right: Starting a business
takes a certain degree of faith.

You see, very few people who start
their own businesses "know" for certain
whether their ventures will be successful
or not.

Hundreds, if not thousands of million dollar
product ideas are conceived in the minds of

Yet only a miniscule percentage of these people
ever ACT on their ideas, for a variety of reasons.

...But the # 1 reason that great ideas are
not acted upon is a LACK OF FAITH.

The main problem certainly isn't money. Let me
illustrate: Let's say you came up with a product
that cost $10,000 to create and bring to market,
yet you KNEW for certain that the product would
make you a minimum of 1 million dollars...

Even if you were completely broke, would you
NOT do everything in your power to come
up with that $10,000?! You'd BEG your
friends and family, you'd go to every bank
you know, you'd save like crazy, you'd cash
out your 401k - SOMEHOW you would come up with
the money!

The main problem is not motivation either...Let's
say you KNEW for certain that, with a reasonable
amount of effort - say, working 9 hour days with
weekends off for a period of 4-5 years - that
you'd become "certifiably wealthy" by the
end of that period...Wouldn't that be enough
motivation for you to get off your butt and
MAKE IT HAPPEN?! ...I should hope so! ;-)

I could go on with illustrations, but I think
you get the idea. You can rarely if ever be 100%
certain that the business or product ideas you
conceive of are going to be profitable...

So at some point, you've GOT to take a risk.
You've got to have FAITH. You've got to GO
FOR IT! ...IF you truly wish to be successful.

The other option is sitting on your ideas
rather than acting upon them, because you're
"just not sure whether the idea is right".
(...This is the path that MOST people choose,
and the reason that MOST people never fully
realize their awesome potential for success.)

OR (and this is what prevented my own success
for a period of years), you have just enough
faith to get started in pursuing one of
your business ideas - only to quit without
seeing things through to the finish (because
somewhere along the lines you lost faith
and excitement in your idea).

...Success requires *enough* faith not
only to get you started - but ALSO to see
you through to the point where you've given
your idea *everything you've got*. This means
succeed or fail, you see things through to
the finish. And if you fail, you pick right
back up again and move onto the next idea!!

The fact is, chances are your first business
venture or idea will "fail". But one failure
does not equal a LOSS. You learn from your
mistakes, and apply them toward the next

And eventually, as long as you keep the faith,
you WILL succeed. Believe it!

Here for Your Success,

David Jordan

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